Research IT

Top 10 News Articles of 2022

As it’s approaching the end of the year, it seems like a good time to look back on our most popular blog posts of 2022. What generated the most interest from the University research community this year?

As well as our top 10 news articles of 2022, special mention should go to our new "Services" page which has been really well received and which we've received a lot of good feedback on. Also our most popular event in terms of page views was "Applications of Mathematica in Science, Mathematics and Engineering" which we held on the 26th May. Keep an eye out for more training from Wolfram Research and others in the New Year!

  1. Help Shape the Future of Research IT

Published 14th July 2022

The launch of our new Research IT Academic Advisory Group (RITAAG) was the most popular news story of 2022. We put out a call for researchers, PS and PGRs to apply to be a member of the group and we had a great response. The group has now been set up and has already met to discuss Research IT activities going forward.

2. We’re Hiring!

Published 26th August 2022

Does this qualify as a news story? We think it does! Our Research Software Engineering (RSE) team wrote a great piece on why you should come and join their team. We’ve used it to promote any RSE vacancies that we’ve had over the last few months and it’s been really well received.

3. Interested in NVidia GPU / Python Training?

Published 21st June 2022

We tapped into a training need with this news story! NVidia offered to do some training for us and we wanted to be sure that it was what our community wanted so we asked you! The training was held a few months ago and was very popular which was great to see.

4. Changes to the University LabVIEW License

Published 26th July 2022

Research software licence changes always attract attention from our community and changes to LabVIEW were no exception.

5. Compute Resources Available for Student Projects

Published 30th June 2022

Back in June we announced that UGs and PGTs from the Faculty of Science and Engineering could use our HPC Platform for their projects. This applies to next year’s projects as well so if you have any projects that could make use of the facility get in touch!

6. Sharing Computational and Data Expertise at UoM

Published 6th April 2022

The launch of CaDiR – Computation and Data in Research! Robert Haines and David Topping launched a new Teams site aiming to provide a home for special interest groups and user groups from across the University as well as the Digital Futures clubs. If you’ve not checked it out, have a browse of the channels and join in the discussion.

7. Bringing The Metaverse to Fusion Research

Published 21st March 2022

Oliver Woolland from our Research Software Engineering team supported MACE researchers investigating how to bring advanced scientific and engineering tools to the Metaverse to help accelerate Fusion Energy research.

8. Subcellular Visualisation on the Web with Shiny

Published 20th May 2022

A great example of how our pilot Shiny app hosting service allowed University researchers to showcase their research in exciting and interactive new ways. Jo Watson, from the School of Biological Sciences, used it to publish an app accompanying her paper on subcellular visualisation.

9. MATLAB Licence Update 2022

Published 7th Oct 2022

Last year a similar announcement was at no. 10 in our yearly round up but this year it has moved up a place. MATLAB is a well-used piece of research software by our community and the continuing presence of MATLAB announcements in our yearly round up for the last 3 years demonstrates this.

10. Launch of Julia Users Group

One of the first user groups to take advantage of the CaDiR platform was a Julia Language user group. If you are interested in using the Julia programming language for your project and would like to discuss this with other users – join today!