Research IT News
Bringing History to Life: Launch of an Oral History Website

Capturing memories of historical events from those who lived through them is a vital part of preserving our heritage. Discover how our Research Software Engineers developed a website that provides open access to a unique oral history archive, exploring Northern Irish migration to Great Britain during and after the Troubles.
Championing GISMEO

As co-leader of the Geographical Information Systems, Mapping, and Earth Observation Community (GISMEO), Gail Millin-Chalabi stands out as a champion for innovation and knowledge sharing. This article explores Gail's background and her interests in GIS, the environment, maps, art, and the world of Beatrix Potter!
Intro to Docker: an interactive training event

To help researchers adopt modern software architectures and enable them to use the vast range of existing containerised tools, our Research Software Engineers have developed an interactive course which introduces the basics of container usage.
Spotlight on MRSC Community Lead

As part of our ongoing series introducing the CaDiR community group leads, meet Aman Goel, the Manchester Research Software Community group lead. In this short interview, Aman discusses his background in research software engineering and shares his vision for the community.
Research Computing Upgrade: A Researcher's Experience

Shahbaz Ahmad, a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Computational Chemistry, highlights how the recent hardware upgrade to the Computational Shared Facility (CSF) has significantly boosted his research efficiency and productivity. The enhanced computational power allows for significantly faster simulations, accelerating his work on homogeneous catalysis for converting nitrogen to ammonia and other valuable products.
Earth Observation in Focus

On Monday, 27th January, the GIS, Mapping, and Earth Observation (GISMEO) Community hosted their first Earth Observation (EO) online event. It was a great success, with truly insightful talks from five speakers with 43 participants attending.
Advancing HPC Innovation: Research IT at SuperComputing 2024

Supercomputing Conference (SC), is an annual event that serves as a key platform for technological innovation in High Performance Computing bringing together scientists, engineers, and technologists to showcase advancements and achievements in the field. This year, Rob Haines, Director of Research IT, and George Leaver, Senior Systems Administrator, attended on behalf of Research IT. They attended workshops and tutorials and engaged with vendors, strengthening existing partnerships and exploring potential future collaborations.
Networking in Research Computation and Data

Improve your network across the University in 2025 by joining a vibrant, active community of peers passionate about computation and data in research. With over 1,000 members from the University’s research community, you’re bound to discover new connections, help and support.
Aurora Leadership Programme: Championing Women in Research IT

Adina Rahim, Research Software Engineer, has been selected for Aurora, Advance HE's leadership development initiative for women, created to address the under-representation of women in leadership roles in the sector.
Connecting Experts for Biomedical Research

Developed by Translation Manchester and Research IT, the Translation Manchester Research Connections Tool is a dynamic online platform which enables researchers to discover and connect with a network of academic, clinical, and industry experts, both within and beyond the University.
Maps and Mince Pies

The GISMEO community hosted a festive event, showcasing the University's map collection and captivating attendees with fascinating stories behind the maps.
Top 10 News Articles of 2024

As it’s approaching the end of the year, it seems like a good time to look back on our most popular blog posts of 2024. Which news story was the most popular with the University research community this year?