The main governance group is the Research IT Strategy and Change Management Group (RITSCMB) and consists of a representative from each Faculty and the Professional Support Services that support research such as Research and Business Engagement Support Services, the library and Research Finance. The board is chaired by Prof Chris Taylor and its purpose is to develop and maintain a long-term IT Support for Research (ITSfR) strategy, covering both the prosecution and administration of research, and oversee its implementation. This group interfaces to the University IT Strategy Group regarding ITSfR strategy and to the University Change and IT Projects Sub-Committee (CITPSC) as regards prioritisation of investment in ITSfR. It also reports to the University Research Strategy Group for information.
The RIT Academic Advisory Group (RITAAG) consists of a large number of representatives from Schools across the university. The RITAAG ensures a strong and coherent voice for the academic research community in the development and implementation of the University’s IT Strategy for Research. The Chair of this group is Caroline Jay who represents this board on the RITSCMB.
For the duration of the Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP), there is also a RLP Board to facilitate and oversee implementation of the IT Research Lifecycle Programme. Members of this group include representatives from Research IT, Research and Business Engagement Support Services, research finance, the library, the Chair of the RITAAG and the appointed RLP consultants, PA Consulting.
There is also a Research Data Management Steering Group (RDMSG) who oversees the implementation of Research Data Management (RDM) policy and tools, identify future RDM needs and inform the university on RDM strategy. The RDMSG has representatives from IT Services, Research IT, the library and all Faculties.

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