Research IT

Manchester Research Software Community

After a successful winter meeting, we are excited to announce our spring meeting for the Manchester Research Software Community! The meeting will provide attendees with the opportunity to learn more about the community, learn about "GitHub Project Automation", participate in discussion sessions, as well as network with other community members. We encourage everyone involved with or interested in research software to participate!

May 29, 2024 10:30 — 12:30

Rm 4.38, Simon Building

The detailed agenda for the meeting will be announced soon but the first presentation has been announced!

Introduction to Github Project Automation

Donal Fellows, Research Software Engineer, Research IT

Github is a service for hosting code (and related things) during its development and maintenance; they provide services to perform automation to help with that, which you can use to increase the quality of your work with a relatively low investment of effort. This talk outlines how to get started with using some of those services, especially Github Actions (a workflow execution service that can be used to support Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment development practices) and Dependabot (a dependency checking service).

The Manchester Research Software Community is open to all University of Manchester staff, researchers and PGRs. Join their collaborative Teams space today!