The CaDiR (Computation and Data in Research) community is the home of special interest groups and user groups from across the University that have a data and/or computational focus. Originally proposed by Prof Dave Topping (Earth and Environmental Sciences) and Robert Haines (Associate Director for Research IT), the aim of CaDiR is to provide a hybrid space within the University for these groups to sit so that they can be easily discovered and supported by the research community. We hope that by providing this shared space, there will be shared membership between and across groups with all the opportunities for collaboration that entails.
How to Join CaDiR
It’s very easy to join CaDiR. Simply visit the CaDiR Teams space and, if you are not already a member, a request to join will be automatically sent to one of the Teams owners. Your request should be approved very quickly.
Each special interest group or user group has its own channel in the CaDiR space. Once there, University researchers and PGRs can then choose which channels to receive notifications for, allowing you to tailor content to your interests. However, browsing the channels is encouraged to perhaps discover new items of interest!
The channels are open to all researchers and PGRs and everyone is encouraged to post in and interact with any group which interests them.
Currently the groups are:
- GIS, Mapping and Earth Observation (GISMEO) Community
- Manchester Research Software Community
- R User Group (R.U.M)
- UoM UK Biobank users
- Research Data Stewardship Community
- Python User Group
- VR@Manchester Club
- GPU Club
There are several other groups in the pipeline so watch this space!
Creating or Adding a Group
If you would like to create and lead a SIG or user group or move an existing group to CaDiR you can complete a form that asks a series of simple, straight forward questions about the remit of the group etc. If this is a new group that you are setting up you must have the support of 10 other people from different Faculties / Schools to support your application. All new groups on CaDiR must also agree to help write a news article for the Research IT website to promote and advertise your group.
The SIGs or user groups are driven and led by the research community for the research community. It is up to each group how they would like to collaborate and share knowledge either purely through their Teams space, meeting up in-person / online or a mix of the two.
If you have any questions about CaDiR please contact us!