Research IT

Shiny App Hosting (Pilot)

Currently a pilot service which allows researchers to host their public Shiny web apps on a centrally hosted server.

Service Description

Shiny allows users to build web applications in the R programming language. This pilot service allows users to publish their applications on a centrally hosted server. Applications published using the server are publicly available.

The system has been designed to be easy to use; researchers can publish their apps with just a few clicks, using an RStudio addon. The hosted apps run using the same package versions as on the researcher’s local machine. Each user can host multiple apps, and the service can also host RMarkdown notebooks.

Full instructions on how to use the service are provided on the Research IT GitHub site. To request access please contact us.

Charging Model

This pilot service is currently free to users but this may be subject to change.


For more information about this service or to request access, please email us.

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