Donna Sherman (Map Curator, Special Collections)
The GISMEO community was launched in July 2024 and has started a range of events to facilitate peer learning, networking, and problem-solving. The community is led by Dr. Gail Millin-Chalabi (Project Manager & Co-I Researcher in GISc, Research IT); Dr. Polyanna Bispo (Senior Lecturer, Physical Geography) and Ms. Donna Sherman (Map Curator, Special Collections).
Here's a snippet from a recent interview with Donna:
How did you get into mapping?
“I did my undergrad in Visual Arts and Culture, and several years later I did a Masters in Library and Information Management. I had been working at Manchester University Libraries since 1997 and when the Geography Department Library was relocated to the Main Library in 2007, I was asked to help out with the map collection. I fell in love with the maps and have been working with them for the last 16 years.
Being a Map Curator is a rare specialism and the only way to really learn the job is through networking, and reading the few texts that have been written on map librarianship. The British Cartographic Society has a special interest group of Map Curators who hold an annual workshop, which I attend every year, and I am also a member of the British and Irish Committee for Maps, Information and Cataloguing Systems (BRICMICS).”
What does your role as a Map Curator involve?
“I manage and develop the University’s map collection. My typical activities involve embedding our collections into research and discovery and a lot of teaching and learning based activities. For example I work with academics to embed object-based teaching and learning into their teaching programmes. I also contribute to exhibitions, digitisation projects, public engagement events and funding bids. There is always a huge amount of collection work to do too, such as initiating and supervising cataloguing projects, relocation and reorganisation of the collection, recording stock moves, purchasing and accessioning new items, supervising student placements, answering enquiries from individual students and researchers. Writing blogs and online teaching resources too. It’s very varied”
What do you enjoy most about map collections?
“I enjoy connecting people to collections, its great when students come in and go ‘whoa’ over a cool map. A common reaction when students first handle physical maps are awe at their scale, they can be absolutely huge.”
What do you hope to come out the GISMEO community?
“I'd like to see more people using geospatial tools, data, and services, especially those who have been apprehensive in the past. There are so many who want to engage with our collections and technology but feel intimidated. My hope is that we can reach a more diverse audience and help them feel confident in using geospatial resources.
I’d also love to see more people using and making maps! I want to explore collection development and encourage students and researchers to create new maps in innovative ways using digital technology. Maps are very embedded in colonialism and tell a very Eurocentric story, so it would be great if we could start creating maps that tell more diverse stories using things like participatory mapping and community mapping projects.”
What is your favourite map?
“My favourite map is an Ancient Map of Fairy land, which depicts lots of fantasy, fairy tales, children’s literature and mythology, it combines my love of maps with my love of books!"
Fun fact?
“I have 2 kittens called George and Ziggy”
If you have any questions or want to know more about mapping, please feel free to pop into the GISMEO Mapping Drop-In on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 2pm via Zoom.
You may also want to join the GISMEO Maps and Mince pies event on 4th December 2024.