Research IT

NVivo 14 Available!

Are you an NVivo user? A new version of the qualitative data analysis package is now available to the University community so let us know if you want to update!

NVivo is a qualitative data analysis package developed by Lumivero. It's designed to assist researchers in organising, analysing, and finding insights in unstructured or qualitative data such as interviews, open-ended survey responses, social media content, and web content.

A new version of NVivo is now available across the University so if you are a current user and you would like to upgrade from NVivo 12, please complete a Research Application Support ticket and request a named user license. The software installer is available from the vendor directly once you have a named user license.

If you are using a managed Windows computer, a packaged version of NVivo 14 will be made available as part of Start of Year version upgrades. Please make sure you read the license conditions first (VPN required off campus).

If you do not want to upgrade to version 14, the new license codes for NVivo 12 will be made available in early July on the IT Services Applications webpage.

NVivo is a supported application, so if you have any questions about the upgrade or installing or using the software, please raise a Research Application Support ticket.