As well as our feature presentations there will also be updates on the latest news from our Research IT infrastructure team and the Applications and Software team who are undergoing a slight restructure.
The event will take place at 2pm on the 4th of April in Rm 3.3 Roscoe Building and we ask all attendees to register for the event.
Updates from the Research IT teams
- Research Lifecycle Project (RLP)
- Research Infrastructure
- Research Software Engineering
Developing Mobile Apps for Research using Research IT’s RSEs
Adrian Harwood, Research Software Engineer, Research IT
The prevalence and affordability of mobile phones and tablets makes them an excellent platform for engagement in research projects. However, their potential can only really be unlocked by the development of suitable mobile applications. Whether you want to collect data from a population or increase the impact of your research work through a more feature-rich initiative such as a game, training researchers to develop potentially complex mobile software may not be a viable approach for many research groups. In this talk I aim to highlight some of the challenges associated with mobile application development and illustrate some of the successful mobile projects Research Software Engineering has already delivered in this area. I will also present our evolving strategy which will enable us to offer agile, robust, cross-platform, mobile application development to researchers across the university.
Developing Mobile Apps for Research - Case Study: #BrazilBreathing
Joshua Woodcock, Research Software Engineer, Research IT
#BrazilBreathing is a citizen science project aimed at engaging the Brazilian public to record information about the impact of the environment on their health and allergy symptom severity via a mobile app.
Research IT worked alongside researchers at the University of Manchester and the Federal University of Technology in Brazil to develop #BrazilBreathing by building upon the successful Britain Breathing project, which developed the original app; through translation and the addition of localised features.
This talk looks at the challenges and the lessons learnt from developing #BrazilBreathing, and how they inform Research IT's new strategy for developing mobile apps in future projects.