Research IT

The HPC Pool

Provides a batch-based on-campus platform with a large range of software for all research domains to enable computationally-intensive work. Integrated with Research Data Storage (RDS).

Service Description

A resource for true High Performance Computing jobs, i.e. those that scale and can use several compute nodes, typically via MPI

  • 4096 cores with 6GB per core
  • Job sizes of 128 - 1024 cores
  • Has the same software available as CSF
  • Research staff and PhD students only

For more detailed technical information visit the HPC Pool page on the Research Platforms website.

Charging Model

Initially funded through the University Research Lifecycle Programme, the resource is currently provided at no cost to the researchers using it, however significant usage may be chargeable in the future.

Researchers have to complete a short application form and include evidence that their work will be suitable for this platform. Successful applicants will be issued with a unique project code to enable access.


If you have any queries about this service please contact the Research Platform team. The inbox is monitored Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00 and the person on duty will log a ticket for you. A member of the team will then get in touch with you to deal with your enquiry.

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HPC Pool Survey Results