Research IT

The Computational Shared Facility (CSF)

Provides a batch-based and limited interactive on-campus platform with a large range of software for all research domains to enable computationally-intensive work. Integrated with Research Data Storage (RDS).

Service Description

  • A general purpose High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster
  • Also suitable for High Throughput Computing (HTC)
  • Several thousand CPU cores with 4-8GB of memory per core
  • A small number of compute nodes with between 16GB and 128GB per core
  • GPUs
  • Hundreds of software applications installed
  • Work is submitted to a batch queuing system
  • Limited 'free at the point of use' access
  • Primarily for research staff and PhD students, but undergraduate and taught postgraduate students from the Faculty of Science and Engineering with a computational element to their final year/summer project may also access it.

For more detailed technical information visit the CSF page on the Research Platforms website.

Charging Model

Researchers are encouraged to contribute to these systems rather than purchase their own smaller HPC clusters. It is often possible to get more out than you have put in! There are some ‘free at the point of use’ resources available.


If you have any queries about this service please contact the Research Platforms team. The inbox is monitored Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00 and the person on duty will log a ticket for you. A member of the team will then get in touch with you to deal with your enquiry.

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