Research IT

Research Data Storage

Centrally hosted, resilient, backed-up, data storage for research staff and PGR students.

Service Description

  • Storage system (commonly referred to as Isilon) is an area of storage allocated to your research project which is accessible by you and your research staff/students. Commonly referred to as a storage share.
  • Storage accessible from desktop and laptop machines on campus and may also be accessed from on-campus research computing systems.
  • Off-campus access is available through the VPN.
  • Secure file storage with files corrupted or accidentally deleted available for recovery for up to 35 days. Please note, files are not encrypted by the RDS system.
  • The RDS is the storage platform recommended by the Research Data Management Service.
  • As part of RDM and using RDS you will need to be familiar with the Information security classification, ownership and secure information handling SOP.

Further details, including FAQs can be found on the RDS- Research Data Storage website.

Charging Model

Up to 8 TB of storage is available "free at the point of use" for each research project dependent on funding body.

Further storage is charged for, current rates can be found on the RDS-Charges page.


Requests for Research Data Storage must be made through the RDS Service request form via the ITS Support Portal.

Enquiries concerning the server can be emailed to the Research Platforms team.

Students (including PhD candidates) should not apply for storage directly but instead should speak to their supervisor.

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