Research IT

New Version of REDCap Launched

We are pleased to announce that the new version of REDCap is live and you can now request an account through the ITS support portal.

As part of the Research Lifecycle Programme we are pleased to announce that the new version of REDCap is live and you can now request an account.

REDCap is a secure web platform for building and managing online databases and surveys, mainly used for clinical research. Some of the key features of REDCap are:

  • Suitable for various sized studies and suitable for longitudinal research studies*
  • Suitable for collecting highly restricted data (in line with Data Protection Regulations and Good Clinical Practice)
  • Interactive editing includes range checks, data type checks, valid date checks, and branching logic
  • REDCap’s Data Quality module supports reporting on problems with data consistency across forms
  • REDCap provides audit trails for tracking the history of data entry and revision
  • REDCap allows double-data-entry

Please note that you can still use Qualtrics (The University of Manchester’s recommended survey tool) for the majority of your surveys. We strongly encourage you to get in touch with the REDCap administrator if you’re unsure which solution is right for your work.

Remember, Qualtrics is free to use but REDCap is a charged service with a fee of £300 per project. We strongly advise that you factor in the costs of this service prior to your grant submission.