Research IT

CSF Procurement Now Open

Find out how to contribute to the University's flagship HPC cluster and take advantage of the benefits that it brings.

After an understandable delay due to the current pandemic, we are finally in a position to make the next procurement for the University's flagship HPC cluster, the Computational Shared Facility (CSF), and to commission the new hardware.

The CSF is used by researchers across the University for large scale simulation, modelling and data-processing. While all researchers are entitled to a modest share of CSF resources, contributing funds to our procurement entitles you to much greater access. For example an investment of around £8k will provide an additional 40 CPU-cores, with 192 GB RAM, for five years. Other benefits include:

  • Better utilization of available CPUs across the University
  • Professionally managed system from Research IT and hosted in one of IT Services data centres taking the pressure off your research group.
  • Provision of training and support (including access to hundreds of software applications) to users to ensure they can use the system effectively in their research.

If you are interested in contributing to the CSF please get in touch before the 23rd April if at all possible. It would be helpful if you could provide details of an approximate investment amount and any spending deadline.