The Mobile Development Service (MDS) is available to all researchers across the University and can provide free advice and support with preparing the technical aspects of proposals. They also offer mobile application development and distribution services and you can add their time to your proposals – just get in touch so they can help you estimate the commitment required.
MDS capacity is quickly being snapped up by research groups across the University so if you need support with developing, updating, enhancing or releasing a mobile application please get in touch with Adrian Harwood (Mobile Lead in Research IT) and he can help with planning your project and preparing your proposal.
In the meantime, the apps continue to roll off the MDS production line. In July 2019, the Major Trauma Checker app, developed by the Research IT MDS, was launched by the Trauma Audit and Research Network (TARN), a longstanding partner of The University of Manchester. The app is crucial piece of automation, allowing users with relevant rights to calculate an Injury Severity Score (ISS) related to trauma cases.

If you are interested in including mobile app development in your next research grant application, please contact Adrian Harwood as soon as possible.