Research IT

5000 Year Landmark Reached

There has been a lot of exciting news this month regarding our Condor Pool and its new cloud bursting functionality. The good news continues as the Condor Pool has recently hit a milestone of “5000 years” of compute.

So what does passing the "5000 years" mark of producing computational results for researchers actually mean? Roughly this equates to one PC with a single processor core taking 5000 years to compute what the UoM Condor Pool has done for Manchester researchers in the last 10 years.

The new added functionality of jobs automatically executing on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform when our own premise cores are all taken, has raised a lot of interest. The cloud bursting service is currently free while it is fully tested it but will become a rechargeable item to research groups in the future. For more information on Cloud bursting see our recent blog post.