Research IT, SpiNNaker and the Human Brain
Andrew Rowley, Senior Software Engineer, Research IT
SpiNNaker is a massively parallel computer architecture scalable up to a million cores and beyond. In contrast to a super-computer, it has been designed with low-power processors and a network architecture inspired by the connectivity found in the brain. This presentation will talk about the role of Research IT in the SpiNNaker team and how the group have helped with work on the Human Brain Project and with researchers within the team to help them to achieve their goals.
The EUC Programme- helping to transform how we use IT
Chris Boultwood, Domain Architect, IT Services
IT Modernisation Programme is seeking to transform the End User Computing services available across the University. This presentation will provide an overview of the objectives of the project, the principles driving our approach and provide a description of the transformational projects they are seeking to introduce, which will include
- Migrating from an on-premises Microsoft Exchange solution to the use of a standard cloud based Office 365 solution
- Upgrading all the Windows 7 devices to a single Windows 10 build, including two standard Linux builds and a single MacOS build
- Virtualising the desk-side portfolio of applications to support VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure)
- Design, Implement and (hybrid) manage a “follow-me” desk-side solution
The presentation will also discuss the high level timelines we are working to.
The event will take place in 4.38 Simon Building from 3 – 4.30pm. Please register for this event.
Don’t forget that if you have a query about including Research IT skills and expertise in grant proposals you can come along to our drop-in sessions which take place across the university campus on a regular basis. See our Twitter for the latest information.