Research IT

Data Carpentry for Social Scientists

Have you heard of Data Carpentry workshops? They are aimed at researchers who have little to no prior computational experience and provide the fundamental data skills needed to conduct the full life cycle of data-driven research. The UoM Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research is currently preparing carpentry materials for the Social Sciences.

They are running a pilot workshop on 29-30 Jan 2018 to test out some of their materials, and all feedback will be very much appreciated! The workshop will cover; Data organization in spreadsheets, OpenRefine, SQL for data management and an Introduction to R. If you would like more details of the topics, please see the workshop website.

The workshop is open to all University of Manchester researchers and PGRs and is free to attend. If you would like to attend, then please email Peter Smyth. If you would like to attend but can only make one of the days then please let Peter know.