Research IT

Start of Year Drop-in Sessions

We're already looking forward to 2018 here in Research IT with the announcement of our first set of dates for our drop-in sessions.

These sessions are specially designed to help quickly answer any queries, questions or issues you may be having with research IT services including software help, data visualization, research data management, access to HPC resources and much much more.

We can also help advise on how to include Research IT services in your grant bid proposals and how to cost for research outputs such as websites, code sharing, database distribution etc.

Researchers, PGR students and research support staff from any Faculty are welcome to attend in any of the locations. You don’t have to wait until we are in your building; you just need to have something you think we might be able to help with! There are no appointment times, just turn up at the location listed below and look for the Research IT banner.

  • 17/01/2018: Michael Smith Lounge Area: 14:00 – 15:00
  • 31/01/2018: Alan Turing Ground Floor Meeting Area: 14:00 – 15:00

If you have a favourite location or a spot you think would work for one of our sessions then let us know! You can either comment below or let us know on Twitter.