Research IT

USA - UK Travel Grants for Research Software Engineers

The first two awards from the EPSRC USA-UK Research Software Engineer Travel fund have just been announced and Martin Turner from Research IT has been fortunate enough to receive one them. The funding aims to encourage greater collaboration between the UK and USA-based Research Software Engineer communities to help with: investigating emerging hardware and the impact on software; building collaboration around a particular science area; developing common community codes; and building links between computational / computer science and mathematics.

The grant will enable a visit from Marcus D. Hanwell (Technical Leader, Kitware Inc. USA) to visit some of the main tomography groups in the UK. Marcus is leading a project on “Open-Source Visualization and Analysis Platform for 3D Reconstructions of Materials by Transmission Electron Microscopy.”

On his visit to the UK he will be presenting the "tomviz" product - tomographic visualization and pre-processing within the ParaView software library - at the following locations:

  • 5 September - University of Manchester: X-Ray Imaging Lunch-and-Learn session; Research IT Visualization team; Inverse Problems Group, School of Mathematics.
  • 11 September - Diamond Light Source, STFC RAL (Harwell Campus) Scientific Computing Department Seminar; installing software in the visualization facilities co-located with the University of Manchester research staff within the RCaH (Research Complex at Harwell)
  • 13 September - STFC SciTech Daresbury Labs public seminar at the Hartree Centre focusing also on Chemistry visualization as well as tomography.

If you wish to meet Marcus to discuss or join the project please contact Martin Turner. If you are interested in applying for a travel grant then please visit the grant website. The deadline for applications is the 1st of each month until all the funds are disbursed. Research IT would be happy to help with your application so please get in touch if you have an idea.