Research IT

Microsoft Azure Training

Microsoft Research is offering a free, hands-on, cloud computing training course in partnership with the University of Sheffield. The course will take place on Wednesday 21st September 2016.

Attendees will be able to access Microsoft Azure on their own laptop during the training, and will have access for evaluation purposes for up to one month after the event. A Microsoft Windows operating system is not required as Microsoft Azure is accessed via Internet browser, Linux / Mac / Windows command-line and programming language APIs.

This course is for Faculty, researchers, and PhD students using any language, framework, or platform. This includes Linux, Python, R, MATLAB, Java, Hadoop, STORM, SPARK, and Microsoft technologies such as C#, F#, Microsoft .NET, Microsoft Azure SQL Database, and various Microsoft Azure services. More information is at

Registration is now open at

Researchers are also invited to apply for up to 12 months of access to significant cloud computing resources through the Microsoft Azure for Research Awards program. Apply by 15 October 2016, and every two months thereafter, at